252 research outputs found

    On PAPR Reduction of OFDM using Partial Transmit Sequence with Intelligent Optimization Algorithms

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    In recent time, the demand for multimedia data services over wireless links has grown up rapidly. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) forms the basis for all 3G and beyond wireless communication standards due to its efficient frequency utilization permitting near ideal data rate and ubiquitous coverage with high mobility. OFDM signals are prone to high peak-to-average-power ratio (PAPR). Unfortunately, the high PAPR inherent to OFDM signal envelopes occasionally drives high power amplifiers (HPAs) to operate in the nonlinear region of their characteristic leading out-of-band radiation, reduction in efficiency of communication system etc. A plethora of research has been devoted to reducing the performance degradation due to the PAPR problem inherent to OFDM systems. Advanced techniques such as partial transmit sequences (PTS) and selected mapping (SLM) have been considered most promising for PAPR reduction. Such techniques are seen to be efficient for distortion-less signal processing but suffer from computational complexity and often requires transmission of extra information in terms of several side information (SI) bits leading to loss in effective data rate. This thesis investigates the PAPR problem using Partial Transmit Sequence (PTS) scheme, where optimization is achieved with evolutionary bio-inspired metaheuristic stochastic algorithms. The phase factor optimization in PTS is used for PAPR reduction. At first, swarm intelligence based Firefly PTS (FF-PTS) algorithm is proposed which delivers improved PAPR performance with reduced searching complexity. Following this, Cuckoo Search based PTS (CS-PTS) technique is presented, which offers good PAPR performance in terms of solution quality and convergence speed. Lastly, Improved Harmony search based PTS (IHS-PTS) is introduced, which provides improved PAPR. The algorithm has simple structure with a very few parameters for larger PTS sub-blocks. The PAPR performance of the proposed technique with different parameters is also verified through extensive computer simulations. Furthermore, complexity analysis of algorithms demonstrates that the proposed schemes offer significant complexity reduction when compared to standard PAPR reduction techniques. Findings have been validated through extensive simulation tests

    Spectral Studies on Oxouranium(V) Compounds

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    A Theoretical Evaluation of the Microfinance and its impact on Living Standards and Poverty Reduction in India

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    One definition of microfinance is "any activity that includes the provision of economic services like loans, saving, and coverage to low-wage earners who are slightly over the nationally defined shortfall line and to poor people who are below that shortage line with the aim of fostering public value." Microfinance can also be defined as "any activity that includes the provision of economic services like loans, saving, and coverage to low-wage earners who are slightly over the nationally defined short In this study, an attempt is made to conduct a theoretical evaluation of the impact that microfinance has had on living standards and the reduction of poverty in India. In order to produce an assessment of the influence of microfinance on living standards and the reduction of poverty in India, secondary reports are analysed and evaluated. Research in the natural world is qualitative and descriptive. According to a recently published study, microcredit and microfinance have gained widespread acceptance as a strategy for reducing poverty and increasing economic autonomy. Microfinance is a strategy that may be used to combat poverty, particularly in rural regions, which are home to the majority of the world's poorest people. Give individuals with low incomes the opportunity to start their own small businesses by extending them modest sums of financing at reasonable interest rates. Numerous studies show that despite their socioeconomic status, impoverished individuals have greater rates of loan payback than other types of borrowers

    Optimization of the Stirring Parameters of AZ91Mg-based Stir Casted Hybrid Composites using Taguchi and ANN

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    In the current research, the fabricated Mg hybrid composites amalgamate with the vacuum-based squeezed stir casting process having TiC and Al2O3 reinforcement’s in which AZ91Mg-alloy is the base material. The study includes the processing parameters of the vacuum-based squeezed stir casting method (such as stirring time, stirrer depth, and stirring speed) that have been varied and then investigates their influential effect by using the L16 orthogonal Taguchi approach. By considering these parameters, the tribo-mechanical properties are also optimized like porosity, ultimate strength, and rate of wear loss of Mg-hybrid composites. The result reveals a significant association between processing parameters and optimized tribo-mechanical properties. The results signify that the processing parameters are best optimized at processing parameters of 500 rpm of stirring speed, 5 min of stirring time, and 50 mm of stirrer depth and the optimized tribo-mechanical properties are 0.4% porosity, 245 MPa of ultimate strength, and 0.0011 mm3 per min is the loss of wear rate. However, the ANOVA results contribute that the stirrer depth has the most significant processing parameter compared to other optimized parameters. This research also includes an artificially designed networking model which validates the designated set of empirical data. Thus due to their suitability for abrasion wear AZ91-hybrid composite gives a new divergence towards the designing parts of minuscule airplanes used in surveillance applications such as ailerons and wing flaps


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    Hurry, worry and curry are the three factors which causes intestinal upsets frequently and leads to gastrointestinal problems in modern life. Pravahika (Amoebic dysentery) is also one of the important and oftenly occurring Vyadhis of Annavaha and Pureeshvaha Srotasas in current time. Pravahika is the Pakwasahayagata kaphajavikara with symptoms of Sarakta mala, Sapravahana mala, Sakapha mala, Daah, Jwara, Bhrama Daurbalya, Anannabhilsha, Sweda and Trishna. A case report of a patient with a history of loose motion with mucous discharge for the 6 months visited Ayurveda OPD, is presented in this study. Routine stool examination, blood glucose, serum lipid profile and liver function test were performed. The patient was treated with Ayurvedic medicine Kutajghan vati (1 gm), Bilvadi churna with Takra (6 gm) and, Chitrakadi Gutika (250 mg) in divided doses for 1 month. The patient was followed up for every 7th day and there was significant improvement in the clinical features after 1 month of treatment with the Ayurvedic medicines. There were no side effects reported. This case study demonstrates the therapeutic efficacy of Bilvadi churna, Kutajghan vati and Chitrakadi Gutika in the rapid management of Pravahika.


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    Vibrating mesh nebulizers (VMN) demonstrate improved efficiency for delivery of inhaled aerosol solutions or suspensions as compared to compressor devices. The added advantages of compactness, portability and functioning as noise-free device makes them of incremental value in Home or Ambulatory settings while managing Severe Obstructive airway disease or delivery of maintenance medications in these cases. This further circumvents the need for multiple devices thereby further improving patient compliance and convenience while delivering acute or maintenance formulations including Glycopyrronium (GLY) and Formoterol (FRM)/Budesonide(BUD) nebulizing solution formulations. To further assess the clinical role and feasibility of FRM-BUD formulation delivery kinetics  with or without GLY nebulizing solution through VMN and jet  nebulizers for In- & outpatient settings, 2 comparative in-vitro lung deposition studies were carried out utilizing Anderson Cascade impactor at 30 L/min; deposited drug concentrations in different stages were suitably collected and estimated by HPLC. Post-hoc analyses with p<0.05 was considered statistically significant for intergroup differences on FRM/BUD and GLY delivered through VMN or Compressor devices.  The calculated mean fine particle dose for FRM & BUD delivered by VMN or jet nebulizer showed no statistical difference. However the mean fine particle fraction for BUD delivered by VMN was significantly better compared to jet nebulizer than that for FRM. The Residual volume at 10 mins was significantly higher with jet nebulizer. The optimal APSD for GLY nebulizing solution admixture with FRM/BUD suspension delivered through VMN and Jet nebulizer offers a clinically relevant strategy for High risk COPD cases in Acute or Home settings


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    The Shalya tantra, a prime branch of Astanga Ayurveda is rich in much aspect of modern surgical concepts. Sushruta elaborately described the advances of the Tantra in various Ano-rectal diseases, as Arsha is one among them. The term ‘Arsha’ is derived from “Ru Gatau” Dhatu with the suffix “Asun”, gives the meaning of as violent as enemy. It is the commonest ano rectal disease and affects anyone at any time. In Ayurveda, the sufficient descriptions are described regarding etiology, pathology, symptomatology, types and management or treatment measures of Arsha. All the classics of Ayurveda enumerate that the present sedentary life style, irregularities in food intake, taking junk, spicy, non-fibrous foods, inactive occupation and mental stress etc., are causative factors for ‘Arsha' (Hemorrhoid) and that leads to hypo function of digestive enzymes, which in turn leads to constipation, itching, burning sensation and pain in the region of Guda and finally bleeds and thus Arsharoga originates. Acharyas described various Chikitsa modalities of Arsha critically for prevention and cure of Arsha along with avoiding causative factors (Nidanaparivarjana). Acharya Sushruta has described four dimensions of the treatment for Arsha, all these are applied on the basis of Dosha involvement and stages of Arsha like Bheshaja Karma, Shastra Karma, Kshara Karma, Agni Karma, similarly Snehana, Swedana, Vamana, Virechana, Asthapana and Anuvasana Basti for Vataja Arsha, Virechana for Pittaj Arsha, Aharadravya mixed with Sunthi and kulatha for Kaphaj Arsha and Shamana Chikitsa for Raktaj Arsha etc